Uses of Class

Packages that use Reading

Uses of Reading in facebook4j

Methods in facebook4j that return Reading
 Reading Reading.addParameter(String name, Object value)
 Reading Reading.after(String cursor)
 Reading Reading.before(String cursor)
 Reading Reading.fields(String... fields)
 Reading Reading.filter(String filterName)
 Reading Reading.includeHidden(boolean includeHidden)
 Reading Reading.limit(int limit)
 Reading Reading.locale(Locale locale)
 Reading Reading.metadata()
 Reading Reading.offset(int offset)
 Reading Reading.order(Ordering ordering)
 Reading Reading.showExpired(boolean showExpired)
 Reading Reading.since(Date datetime)
 Reading Reading.since(String phpDateTimeFormats)
 Reading Reading.summary()
 Reading Reading.until(Date datetime)
 Reading Reading.until(String phpDateTimeFormats)
 Reading Reading.withLocation()

Uses of Reading in facebook4j.api

Methods in facebook4j.api with parameters of type Reading
 ResponseList<Account> AccountMethods.getAccounts(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's accounts of Facebook apps and pages.
 ResponseList<Account> AccountMethods.getAccounts(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns a user's accounts of Facebook apps and pages.
 ResponseList<Achievement> GameMethods.getAchievements(Reading reading)
          Returns the achievements for the current user.
 ResponseList<Achievement> GameMethods.getAchievements(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the achievements for a user.
 ResponseList<Activity> ActivityMethods.getActivities(Reading reading)
          Returns the activities listed on the current user's profile.
 ResponseList<Activity> ActivityMethods.getActivities(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the activities listed on a user's profile.
 Album AlbumMethods.getAlbum(String albumId, Reading reading)
          Returns a single photo album.
 ResponseList<Comment> AlbumMethods.getAlbumComments(String albumId, Reading reading)
          Returns the comments made on the album.
 ResponseList<Like> AlbumMethods.getAlbumLikes(String albumId, Reading reading)
          Returns likes made on the album.
 ResponseList<Photo> AlbumMethods.getAlbumPhotos(String albumId, Reading reading)
          Returns the photos contained in the album.
 ResponseList<Reaction> AlbumMethods.getAlbumReactions(String albumId, Reading reading)
          Returns the reactions on the album.
 ResponseList<Album> AlbumMethods.getAlbums(Reading reading)
          Returns the photo albums the current user/page has created.
 ResponseList<Album> AlbumMethods.getAlbums(String id, Reading reading)
          Returns the photo albums a user/page has created.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getBelongsFriend(String friendId, Reading reading)
          Returns the friend if the current user friends with.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getBelongsFriend(String userId, String friendId, Reading reading)
          Returns the friend if a user friends with.
 ResponseList<User> PageMethods.getBlocked(Reading reading)
          Returns a list of users blocked from the current Page.
 ResponseList<User> PageMethods.getBlocked(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns a list of users blocked from the Page.
 ResponseList<Book> FavoriteMethods.getBooks(Reading reading)
          Returns the books listed on the current user's profile.
 ResponseList<Book> FavoriteMethods.getBooks(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the books listed on a user's profile.
 Checkin CheckinMethods.getCheckin(String checkinId, Reading reading)
          Returns a single checkin information.
 ResponseList<Comment> CheckinMethods.getCheckinComments(String checkinId, Reading reading)
          Returns the comments on a checkin.
 ResponseList<Like> CheckinMethods.getCheckinLikes(String checkinId, Reading reading)
          Returns the users who like a checkin.
 ResponseList<Checkin> CheckinMethods.getCheckins(Reading reading)
          Returns the places that the current user has checked-into or made to the Place Page by the current user or friends of the current user.
 ResponseList<Checkin> CheckinMethods.getCheckins(String id, Reading reading)
          Returns the places that a user has checked-into or made to the Place Page by the user or friends of the user.
 Comment CommentMethods.getComment(String commentId, Reading reading)
          Returns a single comment.
 ResponseList<Like> CommentMethods.getCommentLikes(String commentId, Reading reading)
          Returns the likes on a comment.
 ResponseList<Comment> CommentMethods.getCommentReplies(String commentId, Reading reading)
          Returns the replies on a comment.
 Conversation ConversationMethods.getConversation(String conversationId, Reading reading)
          Returns a single conversation.
 InboxResponseList<Conversation> ConversationMethods.getConversations(Reading reading)
          Returns the conversations of the current page.
 InboxResponseList<Conversation> ConversationMethods.getConversations(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns the conversations of a page.
 Event EventMethods.getEvent(String eventId, Reading reading)
          Returns a single event.
 ResponseList<Photo> EventMethods.getEventPhotos(String eventId, Reading reading)
          Returns the event's photos.
 ResponseList<Event> EventMethods.getEvents(Reading reading)
          Returns the events the current user/page is attending.
 ResponseList<Event> EventMethods.getEvents(String id, Reading reading)
          Returns the events a user/event/page is attending.
 ResponseList<Video> EventMethods.getEventVideos(String eventId, Reading reading)
          Returns the event's videos.
 ResponseList<Family> FamilyMethods.getFamily(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's family relationships.
 ResponseList<Family> FamilyMethods.getFamily(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns a user's family relationships.
 ResponseList<Post> PostMethods.getFeed(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's/page's/event's wall.
 ResponseList<Post> PostMethods.getFeed(String id, Reading reading)
          Returns a user's/page's/event's wall.
 Friendlist FriendMethods.getFriendlist(String friendlistId, Reading reading)
          Returns a single friend list.
 ResponseList<Friendlist> FriendMethods.getFriendlists(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's friend lists.
 ResponseList<Friendlist> FriendMethods.getFriendlists(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the user's friend lists.
 ResponseList<FriendRequest> FriendMethods.getFriendRequests(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's incoming friend requests.
 ResponseList<FriendRequest> FriendMethods.getFriendRequests(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the user's incoming friend requests.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getFriends(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's friends.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getFriends(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns a user's friends.
 ResponseList<Game> FavoriteMethods.getGames(Reading reading)
          Returns the games the current user has added to the Arts and Entertainment section of their profile.
 ResponseList<Game> FavoriteMethods.getGames(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the games a user has added to the Arts and Entertainment section of their profile.
 ResponseList<Page> PageMethods.getGlobalBrandChildren(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns all children pages of a specific page.
 Group GroupMethods.getGroup(String groupId, Reading reading)
          Returns a single group.
 ResponseList<GroupDoc> GroupMethods.getGroupDocs(String groupId, Reading reading)
          Returns the docs in a group.
 ResponseList<Post> GroupMethods.getGroupFeed(String groupId, Reading reading)
          Returns the group's wall.
 ResponseList<GroupMember> GroupMethods.getGroupMembers(String groupId, Reading reading)
          Returns all of the users who are members of a group.
 ResponseList<Group> GroupMethods.getGroups(Reading reading)
          Returns the Groups that the current user belongs to.
 ResponseList<Group> GroupMethods.getGroups(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the Groups that a user belongs to.
 ResponseList<Post> PostMethods.getHome(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's news feed.
 InboxResponseList<Message> MessageMethods.getInbox(Reading reading)
          Returns the messages in the current user's inbox.
 InboxResponseList<Message> MessageMethods.getInbox(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the messages in a user's inbox.
 ResponseList<Insight> InsightMethods.getInsights(String objectId, String metric, Reading reading)
 ResponseList<Tab> PageMethods.getInstalledTabs(List<String> appIds, Reading reading)
          Returns the current Page's profile tabs if a specific app is installed.
 ResponseList<Tab> PageMethods.getInstalledTabs(String pageId, List<String> appIds, Reading reading)
          Returns the Page's profile tabs if a specific app is installed.
 ResponseList<Interest> FavoriteMethods.getInterests(Reading reading)
          Returns the interests listed on the current user's profile.
 ResponseList<Interest> FavoriteMethods.getInterests(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the interests listed on a user's profile.
 Page PageMethods.getLikedPage(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns a specific page that the current user has liked.
 Page PageMethods.getLikedPage(String userId, String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns a specific page that a user has liked.
 Link LinkMethods.getLink(String linkId, Reading reading)
          Returns the link shared on a user's wall.
 ResponseList<Comment> LinkMethods.getLinkComments(String linkId, Reading reading)
          Returns all of the comments on a link.
 ResponseList<Like> LinkMethods.getLinkLikes(String linkId, Reading reading)
          Returns the likes on a link.
 ResponseList<Link> LinkMethods.getLinks(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's/page's/event's posted links.
 ResponseList<Link> LinkMethods.getLinks(String id, Reading reading)
          Returns a user's/page's/event's posted links.
 ResponseList<Location> LocationMethods.getLocations(Reading reading)
          Returns the posts with location.
 ResponseList<Location> LocationMethods.getLocations(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the posts with location.
 User UserMethods.getMe(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user.
 Message MessageMethods.getMessage(String messageId, Reading reading)
          Returns a single message.
 ResponseList<Milestone> PageMethods.getMilestones(Reading reading)
          /** Returns a list of the Page's milestones.
 ResponseList<Milestone> PageMethods.getMilestones(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns a list of the Page's milestones.
 ResponseList<Movie> FavoriteMethods.getMovies(Reading reading)
          Returns the movies listed on the current user's profile.
 ResponseList<Movie> FavoriteMethods.getMovies(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the movies listed on a user's profile.
 ResponseList<Music> FavoriteMethods.getMusic(Reading reading)
          Returns the music listed on the current user's profile.
 ResponseList<Music> FavoriteMethods.getMusic(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the music listed on a user's profile.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getMutualFriends(String friendUserId, Reading reading)
          Returns the mutual friends between the current user and friend.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getMutualFriends(String userId1, String userId2, Reading reading)
          Returns the mutual friends between two users.
 Note NoteMethods.getNote(String noteId, Reading reading)
          Returns a note.
 ResponseList<Comment> NoteMethods.getNoteComments(String noteId, Reading reading)
          Returns all of the comments on a note.
 ResponseList<Like> NoteMethods.getNoteLikes(String noteId, Reading reading)
          Returns the likes made on a note.
 ResponseList<Note> NoteMethods.getNotes(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's/page's notes.
 ResponseList<Note> NoteMethods.getNotes(String id, Reading reading)
          Returns a user's/page's notes.
 ResponseList<Notification> NotificationMethods.getNotifications(Reading reading)
          Returns the notifications for the current user.
 ResponseList<Notification> NotificationMethods.getNotifications(Reading reading, boolean includeRead)
          Returns the notifications for the current user.
 ResponseList<Notification> NotificationMethods.getNotifications(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the notifications for a user.
 ResponseList<Notification> NotificationMethods.getNotifications(String userId, Reading reading, boolean includeRead)
          Returns the notifications for a user.
 ResponseList<Offer> PageMethods.getOffers(Reading reading)
          Returns a list of offers of the current page.
 ResponseList<Offer> PageMethods.getOffers(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns a list of offers of the current page.
 ResponseList<Message> MessageMethods.getOutbox(Reading reading)
          Returns the messages in the current user's outbox.
 ResponseList<Message> MessageMethods.getOutbox(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the messages in a user's outbox.
 Page PageMethods.getPage(Reading reading)
          Returns the current page.
 Page PageMethods.getPage(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns the page.
 ResponseList<Admin> PageMethods.getPageAdmins(Reading reading)
          Returns a list of the Page's Admins.
 ResponseList<Admin> PageMethods.getPageAdmins(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns a list of the Page's Admins.
 ResponseList<Insight> PageMethods.getPageInsights(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns the page's insights data.
 ResponseList<Like> PageMethods.getPageLikes(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns likes made by the page.
 ResponseList<Tagged> PageMethods.getPageTagged(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns the photos, videos, and posts in which the Page has been tagged.
 Photo PhotoMethods.getPhoto(String photoId, Reading reading)
          Returns a single photo.
 ResponseList<Comment> PhotoMethods.getPhotoComments(String photoId, Reading reading)
          Returns the comments made on a photo.
 ResponseList<Like> PhotoMethods.getPhotoLikes(String photoId, Reading reading)
          Returns the likes made on a photo.
 ResponseList<Reaction> PhotoMethods.getPhotoReactions(String photoId, Reading reading)
          Returns the reactions on a photo.
 ResponseList<Photo> PhotoMethods.getPhotos(Reading reading)
          Returns the photos the current user/page is tagged in.
 ResponseList<Photo> PhotoMethods.getPhotos(String id, Reading reading)
          Returns the photos a user is tagged in / uploaded to a page / published to an event.
 ResponseList<Post> PhotoMethods.getPhotoSharedposts(String photoId, Reading reading)
          Returns the posts in which this photo is shared.
 ResponseList<Poke> PokeMethods.getPokes(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's pokes.
 ResponseList<Poke> PokeMethods.getPokes(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns a user's pokes.
 Post PostMethods.getPost(String postId, Reading reading)
          Returns a single post.
 ResponseList<Comment> PostMethods.getPostComments(String postId, Reading reading)
          Returns all of the comments on a post.
 ResponseList<Like> PostMethods.getPostLikes(String postId, Reading reading)
          Returns the likes on a post.
 ResponseList<Reaction> PostMethods.getPostReactions(String postId, Reading reading)
          Returns the reactions on a post.
 ResponseList<Post> PostMethods.getPosts(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's/page's own posts.
 ResponseList<Post> PostMethods.getPosts(String id, Reading reading)
          Returns the user's/page's own posts.
 ResponseList<Post> PageMethods.getPromotablePosts(Reading reading)
          Returns the current Page's own posts, including unpublished and scheduled posts.
 ResponseList<Post> PageMethods.getPromotablePosts(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns the Page's own posts, including unpublished and scheduled posts.
 Question QuestionMethods.getQuestion(String questionId, Reading reading)
          Returns a single question.
 ResponseList<Question.Option> QuestionMethods.getQuestionOptions(String questionId, Reading reading)
          Returns the options available as answers to the question.
 ResponseList<Question> QuestionMethods.getQuestions(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's/page's questions.
 ResponseList<Question> QuestionMethods.getQuestions(String id, Reading reading)
          Returns a user's/page's questions.
 ResponseList<Score> GameMethods.getScores(Reading reading)
          Returns the current scores for a user in games.
 ResponseList<Score> GameMethods.getScores(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the current scores for the current user in games.
 ResponseList<Post> PostMethods.getSharedPosts(String postId, Reading reading)
          Returns the posts in which this post is shared.
 ResponseList<Post> PostMethods.getStatuses(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's status updates.
 ResponseList<Post> PostMethods.getStatuses(String id, Reading reading)
          Returns the user's/page's status updates.
 ResponseList<Subscribedto> SubscribeMethods.getSubscribedto(Reading reading)
          Returns people the current user is subscribed to.
 ResponseList<Subscribedto> SubscribeMethods.getSubscribedto(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns people a user is subscribed to.
 ResponseList<Subscriber> SubscribeMethods.getSubscribers(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's subscribers.
 ResponseList<Subscriber> SubscribeMethods.getSubscribers(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns a user's subscribers.
 ResponseList<Tab> PageMethods.getTabs(Reading reading)
          Returns the current Page's profile tabs.
 ResponseList<Tab> PageMethods.getTabs(String pageId, Reading reading)
          Returns the Page's profile tabs.
 ResponseList<TaggableFriend> FriendMethods.getTaggableFriends(Reading reading)
          Returns the list of friends of the current user.
 ResponseList<TaggableFriend> FriendMethods.getTaggableFriends(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the list of friends of the current user.
 ResponseList<Post> PostMethods.getTagged(Reading reading)
          Returns the posts the current user is tagged in.
 ResponseList<Post> PostMethods.getTagged(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the posts the user is tagged in.
 ResponseList<PlaceTag> LocationMethods.getTaggedPlaces(Reading reading)
          Returns a list of tags of this person at a place in a photo, video, post, status or link.
 ResponseList<PlaceTag> LocationMethods.getTaggedPlaces(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns a list of tags of this person at a place in a photo, video, post, status or link.
 ResponseList<Tag> PhotoMethods.getTagsOnPhoto(String photoId, Reading reading)
          Returns the Users tagged in a photo.
 ResponseList<Television> FavoriteMethods.getTelevision(Reading reading)
          Returns the television listed on the current user's profile.
 ResponseList<Television> FavoriteMethods.getTelevision(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the television listed on a user's profile.
 ResponseList<Message> MessageMethods.getUpdates(Reading reading)
          Returns the updates in the current user's inbox.
 ResponseList<Message> MessageMethods.getUpdates(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns the updates in a user's inbox.
 ResponseList<Photo> PhotoMethods.getUploadedPhotos(Reading reading)
          Returns All of the updates photos of the current user/page.
 ResponseList<Photo> PhotoMethods.getUploadedPhotos(String id, Reading reading)
          Returns All of the updates photos of the current user/page.
 User UserMethods.getUser(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns a given user, specified by ID.
 ResponseList<Like> LikeMethods.getUserLikes(Reading reading)
          Returns all the pages the current user has liked.
 ResponseList<Like> LikeMethods.getUserLikes(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns all the pages a user has liked.
 Video VideoMethods.getVideo(String videoId, Reading reading)
          Returns a single video.
 ResponseList<Comment> VideoMethods.getVideoComments(String videoId, Reading reading)
          Returns the comments on a video.
 ResponseList<Like> VideoMethods.getVideoLikes(String videoId, Reading reading)
          Returns all of the likes on a video.
 ResponseList<Reaction> VideoMethods.getVideoReactions(String videoId, Reading reading)
          Returns all of the reactions on a video.
 ResponseList<Video> VideoMethods.getVideos(Reading reading)
          Returns the videos the current user has been tagged in / the current page has uploaded.
 ResponseList<Video> VideoMethods.getVideos(String id, Reading reading)
          Returns the videos a user has been tagged in / the current page has uploaded.
 ResponseList<Post> VideoMethods.getVideoSharedposts(String videoId, Reading reading)
          Returns the posts in which this video is shared.
 ResponseList<> query, Reading reading)
          Searches every type all public objects.
 ResponseList<> query, String type, Reading reading)
          Searches all public objects of given type.
 ResponseList<Checkin> SearchMethods.searchCheckins(Reading reading)
          Returns latest checkins.
 ResponseList<Event> SearchMethods.searchEvents(String query, Reading reading)
          Searches events.
 ResponseList<Group> SearchMethods.searchGroups(String query, Reading reading)
          Searches groups.
 ResponseList<Location> SearchMethods.searchLocations(GeoLocation center, int distance, Reading reading)
          Returns locations near a geographical location.
 ResponseList<Location> SearchMethods.searchLocations(String placeId, Reading reading)
          Returns a particular place.
 ResponseList<Page> SearchMethods.searchPages(String query, Reading reading)
          Searches pages.
 ResponseList<Place> SearchMethods.searchPlaces(String query, GeoLocation center, int distance, Reading reading)
          Searches places.
 ResponseList<Place> SearchMethods.searchPlaces(String query, Reading reading)
          Searches places.
 ResponseList<Post> SearchMethods.searchPosts(String query, Reading reading)
          Searches public posts.
 ResponseList<User> SearchMethods.searchUsers(String query, Reading reading)
          Searches users.

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