Uses of Interface

Packages that use Friend

Uses of Friend in facebook4j.api

Methods in facebook4j.api that return types with arguments of type Friend
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getBelongsFriend(String friendId)
          Returns the friend if the current user friends with.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getBelongsFriend(String friendId, Reading reading)
          Returns the friend if the current user friends with.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getBelongsFriend(String userId, String friendId)
          Returns the friend if a user friends with.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getBelongsFriend(String userId, String friendId, Reading reading)
          Returns the friend if a user friends with.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getFriendlistMembers(String friendlistId)
          Returns all of the users who are members of this list.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getFriends()
          Returns the current user's friends.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getFriends(Reading reading)
          Returns the current user's friends.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getFriends(String userId)
          Returns a user's friends.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getFriends(String userId, Reading reading)
          Returns a user's friends.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getMutualFriends(String friendUserId)
          Returns the mutual friends between the current user and friend.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getMutualFriends(String friendUserId, Reading reading)
          Returns the mutual friends between the current user and friend.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getMutualFriends(String userId1, String userId2)
          Returns the mutual friends between two users.
 ResponseList<Friend> FriendMethods.getMutualFriends(String userId1, String userId2, Reading reading)
          Returns the mutual friends between two users.

Uses of Friend in facebook4j.json

Methods in facebook4j.json that return Friend
static Friend DataObjectFactory.createFriend(String rawJSON)
          Constructs a Friend object from rawJSON string.

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